Volunteering opportunity in Romania – Life Skills for Rural Education

Team for Youth Association in Baia Mare, in Romania is looking for volunteers from France, Italy, New Caledonia, Austria, Portugal, Germany and Spain for a 12 months European Voluntary Service through the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission.

We are looking for motivated youngsters from France, Austria, Italy, New Caledonia, Portugal, Spain and Germany

The “Life skills for Rural Education” service of the volunteers starts in May 2016, or immediately after we select the participants, and brings together 10 volunteers from Germany, Austria, France, New Caledonia, Spain, Portugal and Italy. The project has as a general topic the educational development in Baia Mare and rural areas around, by introducing nonformal methods of education into primary schools and high-schools. The 10 volunteers will be hosted in Baia Mare and will work both in the hosting city and its surroundings.

  • Name of the project: Life Skills for Rural Education
  • Type of project: European Voluntary Service
  • Period of the service: 12 months – starting as soon as possible
  • Number of volunteers: 10 international volunteers
  • Places available per country:
    • France, Spain and Austria: 2 volunteers/country
    • Germany, Italy, Portugal and New Caledonia: 1 volunteer/country
  • Location: Baia Mare (Romania) and its surroundings
  • Hosting organization: Team for Youth Association
  • Project financed by: European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme
The Sending Organizations are:
  • Mission d’Insertion des Jeunes (New Caledonia);
  • Pistes Solidaires Méditerranée (France);
  • Intercultura (France);
  • Stuttgarter Jugendhaus gGmbH (Germany);
  • Asociacion Building Bridges (Spain);
  • Associazione di Promozione Sociale JOINT (Italy);
  • Verein4YOUgend (Austria);
  • ProAtlântico – Associação Juvenil (Portugal).
Main role of the volunteers

The main role of the volunteers will be to work with children in villages around the hosting community and to bring new methods into their everyday educational system, including learning by playing and by doing. The project also answers the needs of pupils in rural areas to learn foreign languages and to experience different learning methods.

The work of the volunteers in the community will bring opportunities for alternative education during school schedule and after classes, for their free time. Volunteers will organize educational activities such as science fairs and competitions, sports activities of different types, painting classes, clay modeling, dancing and education through games, origami, and storytelling etc.

The main responsibilities of the volunteers include:
  • organizing short term activities like seminars and debates on different topics that encourage active citizenship;
  • planning, organizing and facilitating personal community projects in villages;
  • planning and facilitating summer camps in the villages;
  • assisting educational activities in schools from rural areas, providing after-school opportunities for children in villages;
  • assisting language lessons in schools and high-schools of Baia Mare;
  • providing help in kindergartens;
  • holding Intercultural presentations.
The profile of the candidate

Team for Youth Association sketched the general features for the profile of the candidates, according to the proposed activities:

  • aged between 18 to 30 years;
  • coming from Italy, Germany, Austria, New Caledonia, France, Spain or Portugal;
  • having a strong motivation to work in an international team of volunteers;
  • understanding the concept of being a volunteer and having the desire to be involved in a process of community work;
  • willing to work closely with teachers from schools and high-schools;
  • being motivated to work with children, especially in the rural areas;
  • feeling comfortable with the idea of being the center of attention, comfortable to answer the curiosity of others about them;
  • being an ambassador of their culture, willing to talk and make presentation about their country
  • neing decided to analyze situations, communicate about problems and seek solutions to make things work better, both for themselves and the others, being proactive and confident;
  • willing to learn and develop themselves, in an intercultural team;
  • having long term objectives for being part of the project.

The activities of the project require medium language competences in English. A level of communication that allows the volunteer to get around in a foreign country would be more than enough.

What we provide?
  • the volunteers will benefit from the full support of the Team for Youth Association staff and local volunteers in promoting, preparing and implementing activities;
  • Team for Youth Association will also provide for the volunteers a mentor, as well as Romanian and English language teacher;
  • The volunteers will share a flat with other long-term volunteers and there might also be the case of sharing one room with two beds. The flats are rented by Team for Youth Association and the volunteers do not have to contribute to the rent or the utilities;
  • The volunteers will receive 450 RON (approximately 100 €) for food, transferred in bank card, provided by Team for Youth Association and 250 RON (60 €) pocket money, in cash. To avoid lack of budget management, Team for Youth Association decided to pay the Food money at the beginning of the month and Pocket money on 15th date of each month;
  • Team for Youth Association will also provide a Romanian SIM card for phone, charged monthly, WI-FI available in the apartments and in the office as well;
  • Travelling costs are covered by the budget of the project;
  • All the volunteers will benefit from a medical insurance valid throughout the service, provided by the project, through the CIGNA Insurance Plan;
  • In the end of your service, you will receive a YouthPass to certify your learning process and experience within the European Voluntary Service.
More information on the project and the hosting community

In the attached info-pack you can find more information on the project and the hosting community, as well as on the hosting organization – Team for Youth Association.

It’s worth mentioning that Baia Mare is one of the four finalists in Romania in the competition for the title of the European Capital of Culture 2021. The Culture of Hosting is our strongest argument.

Baia Mare European Capital of Culture 2021 – Candidate City

This comes with a challenge and a lot of opportunities, as the city will be the host of numerous cultural events throughout the following period in its attempt to win the title of European Capital of Culture in 2021.

To read more about the experience of our former volunteers in our previous European Voluntary Service projects, check the next link.

How to APPLY

If all of this sounds great already and you think you’re suitable for the project, go ahead and send us your CV and Cover Letter (in English) to office@t4uth.ro

Should you have any question regarding the participation in this project that was not covered by the information provided here and in the info-pack, please feel free to contact us at office@t4uth.ro within the next days.