EVS Stories: All about the future – by Inma Calderon

Para empezar, diré que es el final…”. This is the beginning of a song, it means: to start, I’ll say it’s the end. Because this, this is the end.

EVS happens once. So it’s about living the moment. If you don’t, you loose the chance. But I don’t want to write something sad. I’m back in Spain, and now it’s the moment to find (again) my place here. What am I going to do now?

I’ve known a lot of volunteers that had a plan after EVS, but it’s not my case. So… I’m in process to look for my next step! ^^

In this post, one of the main things I want to do is thank. Thank to everyone who has been in any moment of these months with me, and have share time. Thanks to the other EVS volunteers, to the coordinators of T4UTH, local volunteers, my teachers, participants in Actidebate, participants in all the rest of the activities (infodesks, caravans, intercultural evenings, etc.)… I would like to say everyone name by name, but it’s impossible, you are so much!

Alarm clock and bottle on the desktop

And the other thing I want to say here is an advice for new or future EVS volunteers:

Enjoy it, but a lot! I know is something that everyone say… ok, but if so much people say the same, maybe there’s something true there, right? This is a great experience, so live it! There are problem, issues, whatever. Ok, but don’t let these things cloud your time there.

To conclude… see you soon ^^

Inmas project ended in 28.02.2018. Her activities, as part of the ”INforEVS project”, were to inform youngsters in Baia Mare and the surrounding areas about mobilities financed by the European Commission trough the Erasmus Plus Program.

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