EVS Stories: ”Testimonianza”

17:52. I’m on a train, direction: Bucharest. After greeting my friends from the little window in the corridor I finally find a moment of relax. Lying on the train bed and listening to music I start thinking about my experience here in  Romania. I came here a hot day of August. Since then my life changed a lot. I had to change my attitudes, my habits, my routine. Everything. I had been catapulted in a totally different world. However I really love this new different world. I started working with people from different countries and in them I found new friends. Staying here, I also learnt how to cope with a population that doesn’t speak my language and with different attitudes, but now everything became familiar, from the language to Romanian attitudes.

I also had to learn how to work with people with disabilities and kids. At the beginning everything seemed so difficult but now nothing scares me anymore. I think I’m really lucky of being here because for a languages student like me it’s important to make this experiences around the world.

Applying for an EVS project had been the best decision of my life, I’m sure.

Now that I’m in the middle of my project, where I am involved so much, I don’t want to come back to Italy, I found my right place in Baia Mare. I found a second family made by friends, colleagues and volunteers that I don’t want to leave for any reason. Everything is becoming very important for me here and I will leave a piece of my heart here in Romania, especially in Baia Mare and in the T4UTH Association.

Sandra is Italian and she takes part in the “SEV 4×4” project which is an European Voluntary Service financed by the European Commission through Erasmus Plus program.

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