EVS Stories: They will only change if they will fight

There is an Italian song from the band Subsonica that says: “Sono cambiamenti solo se spaventano” (They will only change if they will fight). That was EVS in my experience. I’m Laura, from Italy, almost finishing my EVS experience in Baia Mare, hosted by Team for Youth Association.

What is EVS about? Changing.

Is EVS about something else? Of course!

EVS is about growing up as a person. EVS is about knowing a lot of different cultures and people (it could be a great antidote to what is happening now throughout the world…). EVS is about making and then having new friends.

I will leave Romania in five days and I can say I found new friends for life. I am really lucky because I will have friends around the world! I couldn’t imagine it before coming here.

Coming here was for me one of the most frightening experience I did. Deciding to leave all my securities in my country for jumping inside an unknown reality was a centrifuge of scary emotions! Now every day I am thankful for doing it!

If you ask me what I was doing during EVS?, I will reply to you that basically I was volunteering with different categories of people. I was planning activities to make children enjoy their time, but also guiding games for adults with disabilities, and I will tell you that I did it all in a team with other three girls. What I actually did was changing my mind, every single day… day by day. I was doing that without even knowing it!

Changing is something you have to embrace. If you think about changing, this will not happen. If you let it be, just living your life, day after day, it will happen. That is what I learnt from my EVS. Let your life speak for you!

I am here in my room, reflecting about the end of one of the greatest experience in my life and I cannot stop to think about the friends I found here. This is also change for me: I’m not usually a person talking easily about friendship. And really really really I am not!!!

EVS is about people that you know and will remain in your life forever and ever.

Whether you will continue to stay in touch with them or not, they will remain inside your heart forever. I am in my room, crying because I will miss people and places from Baia Mare, and this is also EVS: your feelings. Life is so full of colors and doing EVS is something that in every moment remind you to live your inner colors. I can say, I left from Italy with a lot of random colors inside and I am coming back having in my heart a big painting, a beautiful painting, full of places I visited, full of experiences I did, full of emotions I will never forget. I will take back to Italy my beautiful inner painting full of people I will never never never forget.

This is my promise. I will never forget you all!

From my room, from Italian volunteer, from Baia Mare, Team for Youth, that is all!

18 Testimonial Laura (1)

Laura is Italian and she takes part in the “SEV 4×4” project which is an European Voluntary Service financed by the European Commission through Erasmus Plus program.