Year 4: Volunteer in Romania
- 17 October 2024
- Posted by: Team for Youth Association
- Category: European Solidarity Corps volunteering opportunities
No CommentsAre you looking to volunteer with the European Solidarity Corps program? We are starting our fourth year from our strategic long-term plan and YOU can be part of it! Volunteer in Romania! Help us achieve part of our vision and work together to help improve the local community of Baia Mare, Romania. Proposed activity period:
Youth Exchange: Mind Youth Health, Italia
- 11 August 2024
- Posted by: Team for Youth Association
- Category: Youth Exchange Opportunities
“Mind Your Health” oferă participanților o experiență holistică și imersivă pentru a explora tema bunăstării emoționale și fizice. Într-un mediu sigur și primitor, tinerii vor avea ocazia să învețe și să împărtășească despre ei înșiși, să experimenteze conexiunea prin diferite activități non-formale și ateliere creative. Participanții vor învăța să-și recunoască și să-și gestioneze mai bine propriile emoții.
Year 3: Volunteer in Romania
- 20 March 2024
- Posted by: Team for Youth Association
- Category: European Solidarity Corps volunteering opportunities
Are you looking to volunteer with the European Solidarity Corps program? We are starting our third year from our strategic long-term plan and YOU can be part of it! Help us achieve part of our vision and work together to improve the local community of Baia Mare, Romania.
Proiect de voluntariat: VOL’IN GREEN (IV)- în Marsilia
- 11 March 2024
- Posted by: Team for Youth Association
- Category: European Solidarity Corps volunteering opportunities
Hors Pistes este o organizație non-profit fondată în 2013 și cu sediul în Marsilia, Franța. Asociația lucrează cu concepte precum ”think outside the box” prin schimbarea perspectivelor tinerilor din comunitatea locală și promovează voluntariatul ca punct de reper în dezvoltarea personală și profesională. Căutăm 3 voluntari români care doresc să implementeze activități eco-friendly în Franța!
Volunteering opportunity: Working on Intercultural activities in Arques, France
- 1 February 2024
- Posted by: Team for Youth Association
- Category: European Solidarity Corps volunteering opportunities
”Community” association is a private French NGO aiming at creating social links with the inhabitants of our territory, in order to empower them (no matter their age, social origins, religion, gender, or ethnic background) through projects and activities. This way they contribute to development of youth skills and share values such like human dignity, respect and solidarity. The activities rely on 3 different units which are: social cohesion, youth mobility & international cooperation, and sustainability.
Volunteering opportunity: Working in a hostel in Italy (short term)
- 11 January 2024
- Posted by: Team for Youth Association
- Category: European Solidarity Corps volunteering opportunities
Did you ever think how it would be like to volunteer and travel aboard? What about working in a small eco-hostel? We offer young volunteers from Romania an opportunity to work in environmental education. The hostel is located in a hermitage just inside the Regional Park of Monte Barro. Volunteers will be fully involved in the activities run by Ostello Monte Barro, such as assist the ideation and design of eco-sustainable touristic paths for visitors, assist in the preparation and implementation of didactic workshops for primary school students, and room preparation and cleaning.