Participă la prima Conferință Europeană de Tineret

Team For Youth caută 4 participanți pentru conferința europeană intitluată „1st European Youth Conference: Strengthening the Recognition of Non-formal Education in European Youth Work”.

Conferința va avea loc în Cracovia, Polonia, la sfârșitul lunii martie 2013. În total vor fi participanți din 14 țări ale UE, proiectul fiind finațat prin programul Tineret în Acțiune.

Ca la toate proietele TiA, 70% din costurile de transport și 100% din costurile de cazare și masă sunt asigurate de către organizatori.

Vă prezentăm în continuare mai multe detalii despre conferință, scopul ei și costurile de participare:


One of the main challenges of European youth work is the recognition of the value of youth work as non-formal learning among public and private institutions as well as among the general population on one hand and the recognition of learning outcomes of youth participating in youth work activities on the other hand. Facing the challenges of the new EU program “Erasmus for all” the requested project proposal therefore focuses on the two interlinked processes of formal/political as well as social recognition of youth work and non-formal learning. The objectives of the project are:

  • To facilitate the communication between the involved stakeholders
  • To foster the transfer of knowledge within the EU27
  • To increase the transparency and quality of YW and NFL activities

The participants of the Youth Conference (YC) will join a intense week working on sharing their experiences:

  • How to facilitate the communication between the involved stakeholders
  • How to foster the transfer of knowledge within EU27
  • How to increase the transparency and quality of YW and NFL activities

The activities are based on principles & practice of non-formal learning including various activities as open space, lectures/speeches/inputs, floors include. exercises, simulations, which are creating situations for deeper personal reflection, followed by concentrated debriefing, work in small mixed groups, inputs, presentations & discussion of results, e.g. through fishbowl-method, field trips, meetings &roundtables, workshops, free time activities & intercultural activities. The methods are based on a learning process & stimulating creativity, active participation and initiative. Last but not least is to get connected and finding synergy-effects between us and new projects under the umbrella of YiA Programme of the European Commission.

With other words the concept of the 1st YCR is based on a mix between inputs given by the facilitators of the 1st YCR, inputs by the participants of the 1st YCR, meetings and exchange with external guests as well as open space.

Participation fee:

A participation fee in the amount of 75 EUR per person is taken to cover expenses which are not covered by the YiA grant. If technically possible this fee will be paid by bank transfer in advance of the 1st YCR and is serving in the same time as final confirmation of participation. Otherwise the fee is paid cash on the spot with the registration on the 1st day of the 1st YCR. Details will be communicated soon.

Taxa de participare de mai sus este percepută de către organizatorii din Germania. Vârsta maximă a participanților este de 25 de ani, iar ultima zi în care mai acceptăm înscrieri este 30 ianuarie 2013.

Dacă ați dori să participați la conferință sau aveți mai multe întrebări, puteți să ne trimiteți un mesaj la adresa