Volunteering opportunity: Working on Intercultural activities in Arques, France

”Community” association is a private French NGO aiming at creating social links with the inhabitants of our territory, in order to empower them (no matter their age, social origins, religion, gender, or ethnic background) through projects and activities. This way they contribute to development of youth skills and share values such like human dignity, respect and solidarity. The activities rely on 3 different units which are: social cohesion, youth mobility & international cooperation, and sustainability.

Here is more info:

Project duration: from 01 April 2024, 6 months
Location: Arques, France
Financed by: European Solidarity Corps
Hosting Organisation: Association Community (https://community-asso.org/)
Application deadline: as soon as possible

Volunteer profile:
 Between 18 and 30 years old
 Romanian citizens (we are a Romanian NGO looking for young participants from Romania to this volunteering project!)
 Very sociable, able to create links with unknown and different kind of people
 Creative, with an aesthetics sense
 Comfortable with initiating discussion, especially with children and teenagers
 Has interest in foreign cultures & some abroad mobility experiences
 Has some French basics and the desire to learn more (The main language used during this project will be French)
 Has some skills in social media management

The volunteer tasks will be:
 Elaborate and implement entertaining activities and games for young people
 Promote the international youth mobility programmes by implementing group trainings, information sessions (within our organization, but also within some schools)
 Support the team in seeking new partnerships to develop international cooperation projects and youth exchanges
 Manage social media and create relevant and regular posts’ content
 Participate in events and contribute to their implementation
 Imagine a project on your own that you would like to develop

As a volunteer, you will benefit of:
 Pocket money (around 180€/month), food allowance (around 200€/month + access to the permaculture garden), and reimbursement of travel expenses up to the established limit
 Accommodation (Volunteers will share a lovely house which is located within 10 minutes walk from the association)
 A bus subscription as well as a train discount card
 Volunteers will have a CIGNA health insurance which will cover their medical expenses in case of need (however, creating a European Health Card before departure is also strongly recommended)
 The association will provide help with opening a French bank account (which will be used for transferring the food allowance and the pocket money)

You will also gain (by actively participating) a YOUTHPASS – Certificate of non-formal education. All these benefits are obtained through non-formal education, and they prepare young people for life through our activities in our organization.

How can you apply?
If you are interested write to remus@t4uth.ro by sending your CV and a cover letter (in English) with the subject ”ESC France Community 2024” in which you explain what motivates you to participate in the project! A pre-selection phase will follow and then we will put you in contact with the organisation.