EVS stories: First week of volunteering – by Emre

I am Emre from Turkey. I am 19 years old, and I’m studying Management Information Systems at Başkent University.

I was searching about some EVS projects for this summer. I tried my chance for Baia Mare and after this, I learned that I am selected for the project. My project’s name is “Young Steps in Europe”. Its main aim is working with social issues.

When I came to Romania, I think I had “culture shock” for 2 days. After my first days in Romania, I started to love this country. In Baia Mare, every people respect others. I am feeling safe and comfortable here. By the way, I am adapting to live here everyday more and more.

What about the local language? I started to learn Romanian, and I have Romanian lesson once a week. All I want to say about this language is, this is not an easy language to learn, but it is very impressive language. I am trying to improve myself in Romanian. There isn’t so many foreign people in the city, so when the people see a foreigner who is trying to talk Romanian language, they are always happy.

I am going to Luchian Center, Otilia K. Kindergarden, Caritas –St Francisc Baia Mare for the activities. Luchian’s activity is so important for me. This is my first time to meet children with down syndrome, and it makes me feel very happy and useful. They are very lovely kids, when I’m playing with them, they are happy. Always, if I can make a child happy, I felt that way as well. These sentences explain for me the importance of volunteering.

Let’s talk about the city. The city’s old town is amazing. It makes me feel like I am in the city’s history. I love the place’s architectural beauties. There are also Stephen’s Tower and a great cathedral to view in the city. As I told before, there isn’t so many foreigners in the city, but as I heard, some local tourists are coming to the city. Baia Mare (also Romania) is developing and I think that the city will be very developed in 10 years.

I will write my first month experiences at my second article. I wonder what I will learn in the coming weeks.

Emre is out Turkish volunteer in the project ”Young Steps in Europe” coordinated by Bridge of Culture Training and Youth Association, and hosted in Team for Youth Association.